
08 01 2021 

God showed me that it in the american political system a Daniel will arise.

As Daniel worked in Persia, this person will work in american politics.

He or she will be an eunuch.  With no wish of building an empire of his own. No other ambition but serving God and to be for the best of the country.This is a bit ahead in time, and it must be birthed in prayer.This is a person central in the endtime.

Even if it in this prophecy only Daniel is mentioned, we must not forget that Daniel had three friends that also were righteous and had influence.

Pray that God will rise up the right persons, and that the right doors will open.

30 01 2021

About USA

Because you regarded the president higher than the truth, I took him down. And you will get no new president to follow. It does not please me.

I alone am on the throne. And you are to respect that.Bow down before me and I will give you peace.And I will give you a Daniel. That will give you peace.


About the north of Norway

I will light a fire and it will burn. And no one will be able to extinguish it. 

I will give you power to bear the trials that will come.And you will be purifyed like fine gold and stand purifyed on the last day.

Those that endure till the end will see.

The judgement has already gone out from Gods throne and can not be changed. 

But if  we humble ourself before God and accept the judgement, we can interceed for the country and ask God to lessen the judgement.

 In the book of Esther, we can read about Haman issuing a law in the name of the king.

 According to the law of the Medes and Persians this was irrevocable.

 The same way a judgement from Gods throne is irrevocable.

 But as in the book of Esther, the king could issue a new regulation where the Jews were allowed to defend themselves..

 We can ask God for the same thing. God can lessen the judgement significantly.

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